Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dillon's Character

In my story Chinese Handcuffs, so far my main character is Dillon. He is track star but he still have many things he tries to deal with in his life. He have a caring family that love him a lot but as all family's there's downfalls. While reading this book I can tell in character actions that he has evolve through the story a little in what I read. A event that seem to had evolve Dillon was the tragic death of his older brother Preston who committed suicide by shooting himself. Such things of this nature is what change an character. Since the death of his brother Dillon tries to use his brother mistakes and tries to become a better person in life. Dillon get his inspiration for playing sports and being great at it because he don't want to see his life crumble as his brother did. This is what evolve characters!

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